I'm going to do as little talking as possible and more of those colorful pictures and videos..just like you like it. This has been a crazy busy season for me. I've been attempting to take up other activities besides skating but with me working on my progression in the sport I have had to put a pause on some things..like me getting into acting. But only a light pause. Until then I have been enjoying my job. Skating! In the past two weeks I have done a marathon and participated in another downhill race, doing well in both. Last week was Adrenalina Marathon where I placed 10th overall and my little brother at 16 years of age placed 7th. Yeah I know, he finished before me...I was riding for fun but he was looking for the money. If I had known that there were only a few places and minutes separating us from $ I would have pushed harder. Instead I got lost in the moment and music and never payed attention to what lap I was on which explains me doing 13 laps instead of 12. The whole race I had my familiar face on..
Also made my first visit to Boston where Cordelia Welch gave us a tour of the town. Too bad it started raining and cut it somewhat short. Thanks also to you lady and I'll see you, Ben, Will and Jorge in Miami! Stay Skatin'!
So apologies for not giving it my all and unless you raced AND finished ahead of either of us I don't expect to hear anything from you. My brother, Prince, is legit!!!
So I'm loosing my battle with not talking so much but there is so much going on in the scene right now. Central Mass DH race was epic! New faces and old friends joined for fun times in the rain. Thanks to Mike and crew for hosting such an awesome event! Bustin crew is spreading into this discipline and doing work. I personally felt positive that I would be on the podium but was taken out in the quarterfinals by the clown who got second overall, who never even checked to make sure I was okay. It's cool though, downhill is all about skill,who happens to be in your heat and luck. Besides, his face on the podium was priceless. Congrats to our Bustin team for a job well done and to Sara Paulshock and Will Royce for taking first in downhill! As soon as Push Culture News gets a video up I'll post it here.
The rest of the skacation went well. I visited New Hampshire for the first time and enjoyed the lovely hospitality of some beautiful people. Thanks to Bosco and her parents!

The rest of the skacation went well. I visited New Hampshire for the first time and enjoyed the lovely hospitality of some beautiful people. Thanks to Bosco and her parents!
Also made my first visit to Boston where Cordelia Welch gave us a tour of the town. Too bad it started raining and cut it somewhat short. Thanks also to you lady and I'll see you, Ben, Will and Jorge in Miami! Stay Skatin'!