I started this blog a week after my last post but getting comfortable in my new position at Bustin and food poisoning has delayed me finishing this. And I've been skating. It's currently barely past five in the morning and now seems the perfect time to get some thoughts out. My last blog started giving my history here at Bustin and trailed off at me about to go in on the Bustin "haters" but I'm not really in that mood right now and those guys won't be getting a shout out from me here. Life is good for me and "haters gonna hate".
I'm really excited to be taking this new role in the company as our Accounts/Wholesale Manager. For over a month and half I've been waking up at seven in the morning to be at work by ten; with a commute that rarely takes more than twenty minutes to sit at a desk for around seven hours. And having lots of fun doing it! Actually feeling challenged. My day passes by so quickly and I'm really feeling like I've found myself. Of course I don't get to skate around during the day nearly as much, something that I'm sure I'll think about more as Summer hits its peak but that's the price of growth. Besides, I've enjoyed that lifestyle enough that I'm comfortable enough to let our newer faces step up and take on more of that community role. Those guys just need to understand that they need to actually put in work to make things happen for themselves. That none of this was just handed to me and just because you're an awesome skater doesn't mean you're entitled to anything. Hustle. There are a lot of awesome skaters out there and it'll usually take a bit more than landing tricks to be able to support yourself in this industry. Hustle.
So yeah, I've been spending a bit more time in the office and stopped focusing on the partying and finding out what's under the next skirt.(A little secret here..besides maybe some variable moves it's the same thing that was under the last skirt.) And I'm stoked to be on the road even more this year, nationally and abroad. From trades shows to your local shop to competitions this is looking to be my best year yet!
Forgive the random blog..my brain/body is still recovering. I'll have another post in a few days. Until then..these pics are from a day on that NYC PushCulture flow. StaySkatin!

Forgive the random blog..my brain/body is still recovering. I'll have another post in a few days. Until then..these pics are from a day on that NYC PushCulture flow. StaySkatin!