Monday, February 27, 2012

Turn my Boombox on Boom!

What a fun weekend this was!! I'm starting to get back into the NYC flow..starting to. So many friends to enjoy and tasks to catch up on. Good thing I have the rest of 2012 before the world ends.. I'll catch you up on the shenanigans next blog but I'm sure I have something that most of you would rather see now. I keep saying there is big things coming out of the Bustin camp this year and you've already begun to hear the buzz with boards dropping soon. I'm hearing news about releases that even we don't know.. The most up-to-date information I can give you is...soon. Ha. You guys know I'm a tease. Allow me to take it to another level. Here is an swagtastic film/edit by Cami Beast with some of our team riders with the BOOMBOX on blast! It's Bustin Bitches!


  1. Fresh Video ill watch it twice thank you. I'm feelin the blog spot homie... and although you're making me homesick pretty damn bad, I think I'm going to be staying on the West side of town this year. The plan is to leave from Colorado through the desert into Cali and stay there for a few months, and then go back to CO for next winter. Of coarse I plan on shredding On the mountains through the desert and coasting on the west side...but you already know what it is mannnnnnn! These guys are Steezy on that boom box fir sure! and Cami did a great job with the edit too! Hahahaha i know one thing though, that big city will keep going with or without me, so I look foward to see what everyone is doing this year holding it down for NYC&LI&NJ. Wanted to send some love from not so very far away.

    1. Homie! You know you will be missed but I hope to see you before too long and get you to hold my hand on my first powder run! If things worl out I might even see you in Cali. Thanks for the support my dude. Holla if you need me!
