Finally! Another epic Broadway Bomb experience has come and gone. And not a moment too soon. Don't get it twisted..I had the time of my life but it was exhausting! My last house guest, Carly Richardson of Landyachtz, just took off yesterday to head back to Canada and I can finally take a break. Well sort of.(I'm leaving for Ohio in a few hours to hit a 60mph hill(Soldiers of Downhill race should be my next blog post). But before I bore you with my talking let me get straight to the meat. Feelin' this word right now..Meat. Come get some...I distract easily. Here's an excellent capture of the Bomb from the crew at Push Culture News.
Wish you had been there?! With close to 1500 participants there was a definite stoke overload! Congrats to my NYC family. Way to put on for your city! People traveled from across the globe to be here and you guys showed up in numbers and let them know what this push culture swag is really about. It's true, you can push anywhere. But this isn't anywhere. This is The concrete jungle.
Prince (Photo by Chad Gallagher) |
And another vid from my homies at Rayne Longboards. Much love to Marisa, Cameron, Paul and the rest of the crew. I'm coming to see you guys as soon as destiny allows.
After the race we headed to the after-picnic sponsored by Bustin and hosted by me. I spent the weeks before stressing on how to feed as many people as possible and stay within budget. There were thoughts of tacos and spaghetti, both would feed a good amount of people but would be logistical nightmares. Wings, dumplings, hot dogs, and meatballs were the answer. Thanks to my dad for cooking at least 60lbs of wings and Marie Robles for taking care of the rest. 800 meatballs, 300+ hotdogs and around 800 dumplings. Crazy. Despite a little harassment by the park employee and a slight relocation my stress was unwarranted. Everything else went smoothly. Bustin gave away so much gear including lots of carbon Robots, both in contests and a free raffle where winners were called out throughout the party.
And then there was the partying where 'ish got real. There are stories that I could tell but what happens in NYC.....Much love to all who came and got in in with us here in NYC. Loaded. Landyachtz. Smokin Mad Love. Rayne. Rogers Brothers. Sector 9. Arbor. Gravity. Wheelbase Magazine. Earthwing. Original. Venom. Hogwash. Clutch. Green Banana. Shralpers Union. SkateTheEast. Uncle Funkys. Beast Coast Longboarding. Silverfish. SHeRED. Bustin. Push Culture New. So many more............See you in the field or at the next Broadway Bomb. Until then....Stay Skatin'!
Photo by Chad Gallagher |