Movin along my oddesey like blood through the artery
Navigate the treacherous and make it seem effortless
My life and times in NYC. Friend, leader, skater, lover, provoker and much more. Here is the unfiltered "not made for tv" version.
Finally! Another epic Broadway Bomb experience has come and gone. And not a moment too soon. Don't get it twisted..I had the time of my life but it was exhausting! My last house guest, Carly Richardson of Landyachtz, just took off yesterday to head back to Canada and I can finally take a break. Well sort of.(I'm leaving for Ohio in a few hours to hit a 60mph hill(Soldiers of Downhill race should be my next blog post). But before I bore you with my talking let me get straight to the meat. Feelin' this word right now..Meat. Come get some...I distract easily. Here's an excellent capture of the Bomb from the crew at Push Culture News.
Wish you had been there?! With close to 1500 participants there was a definite stoke overload! Congrats to my NYC family. Way to put on for your city! People traveled from across the globe to be here and you guys showed up in numbers and let them know what this push culture swag is really about. It's true, you can push anywhere. But this isn't anywhere. This is The concrete jungle.
Prince (Photo by Chad Gallagher)
And another vid from my homies at Rayne Longboards. Much love to Marisa, Cameron, Paul and the rest of the crew. I'm coming to see you guys as soon as destiny allows.
I started to talk about all the pros that were here..because I know some of you get off on that but it's easier for me just say that your favorite skater was probably at this event. What was really cool for me though was how every one of these guys left stoked on what we're doing here in NYC. Without fail they all left with a better understanding and appreciation of this pushing "drug" were on. "I get it. I get." Skating here is another type of rush, we flirt with death daily and you always need to be ready to dodge the next moving obstacle.
After the race we headed to the after-picnic sponsored by Bustin and hosted by me. I spent the weeks before stressing on how to feed as many people as possible and stay within budget. There were thoughts of tacos and spaghetti, both would feed a good amount of people but would be logistical nightmares. Wings, dumplings, hot dogs, and meatballs were the answer. Thanks to my dad for cooking at least 60lbs of wings and Marie Robles for taking care of the rest. 800 meatballs, 300+ hotdogs and around 800 dumplings. Crazy. Despite a little harassment by the park employee and a slight relocation my stress was unwarranted. Everything else went smoothly. Bustin gave away so much gear including lots of carbon Robots, both in contests and a free raffle where winners were called out throughout the party.
And then there was the partying where 'ish got real. There are stories that I could tell but what happens in NYC.....Much love to all who came and got in in with us here in NYC. Loaded. Landyachtz. Smokin Mad Love. Rayne. Rogers Brothers. Sector 9. Arbor. Gravity. Wheelbase Magazine. Earthwing. Original. Venom. Hogwash. Clutch. Green Banana. Shralpers Union. SkateTheEast. Uncle Funkys. Beast Coast Longboarding. Silverfish. SHeRED. Bustin. Push Culture New. So many more............See you in the field or at the next Broadway Bomb. Until then....Stay Skatin'!
Welcome to the melting pot...I've been sitting here contemplating what to write about this week. I had come up with what I thought would be the easy way out and post some photos of different skaters from all over. Turned out to be a pretty good project but I think it warrants a bit more effort than I planned. All good. So what do I write about...The Broadway Bomb 2011!! Sitting here watching this video myself I could barely contain my excitement! The anticipation of skating with that many stoked skaters has me on edge and checking the calendar three times a day. Last years numbers were estimated at 500+ but I'm pretty positive there were at LEAST 600 of us taking over the busiest and most famous street in NYC! Let's hope our esteemed colleague who organizes this race will have some plan to track this years numbers. This year I would hardly be surprised to see a thousand of us out there...Who gon' stop us?!?!
So the date for the race is October 8 which is about two weeks away. The race starts at noon but I'll be there by at least 1100AM. One of the best attractions of this event is the community and the shared excitement. Get there early and enjoy it. I've already received messages from riders in countries all over saying how stoked they were to be participating in this years event! Also if for some reason we have to start early(cops)or some asshole(there is always at least one) yells go prematurely, you don't want to miss out on what will surely be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life!
Bustin will be also be sponsoring the after-picnic that takes place along the East River..and I'll be co-hosting with Ian! We'll be getting a flyer out shortly with details but look to see more events to participate in like best trick, hippie jump and even a manual contest! And more free stuff. May I still say "winning"?
This video was released right before we left. Nice work on the edit by our team. Look to see some awesome things coming from Puerto Rico and more adventures in the future! It's Bustin Bitches!
Happy Labor Day! I'm sitting here at the command center at our Longboard Loft here in Manhattans Lower East I'm not sure of the significance of todays holiday on me. But my life has been a holiday for quite some time with weekdays and weekends melting together. I hardly know what time it is during the day and at this point I can get things done just as easily in the dark as in the light..Though personally I like getting it on with the lights on. You know..look into your eyes and all. But I digress.
So the Bustin Crew is back from Puerto Rico! I've been asked quite a few times how was the experience and the best word I can find to sum it up is bliss. Don't get me wrong..there were definite parts that I could have done without. Like sharing two hotel rooms with fifteen to twenty skaters or being so excited to skate the twenty-six mile Adrenalina Marathon only to have it start pouring as soon as the announcer shouted go. But then again these things also helped make this quite a memorable trip. I did make sure I had a bed and only had to share it with my brother for some of the nights and manage to keep the bedroom relatively clean. I can be a bit O.C.D. and a bit of a diva at times but I toned it down as much as I could.
And there was nothing I could do about the rain, everyone had to deal with the same conditions and I'm sure I everyone waiting at that first turn enjoyed seeing riders continually bust their ass. By the last loop I was kicking my board and calling it all sorts of names. All in all the race was pretty epic and turned out to be the best of the tour to date. Congrats to the homie and my fellow team rider Kiefer Dixon for surprising a lot of people in the distance community and taking first. He also somehow managed in the eight days we were there to become the best freerider in NYC. Pause...The first part was serious but the last was a joke...if we laugh at ourselves it won't matter when others join in. I was also seriously impressed by my teammate Cami "Beast"'s performance. She was in first for the female division for most of the race until her asthma escalated out of control. She managed to finish the race with a strong second after passing out during the course and finishing the remaining laps even though paramedics insisted she stop and link up to the oxygen tank. We had managed to track down her pump but it was too late for that to help. This girl looked like a wet pasta noodle pushing her board and clearly showed signs of dementia but she refused to stop. My team is amazing!
The rest of the trip was absolutely amazing. I learned a little more Spanish, though not enough to say all the dirty things on my mind, and we met some cool locals that really made the trip for us. Luis Marrero, Noishh Boom, Paulette Polosh and many guys rock, thanks for making us all feel at home. They helped get us out of tourist central and showed us some pretty cool spots on the west side of the Island. The locals of course are all insanely skilled and are totally comfortable bombing sketch streets. The roads were smooth but narrow with cars flying up/down the middle. I actually came within a hair's width of kissing a tire while in a tuck down this one run! Good times though.
Damn! So much more that went on that I want to say but don't want you guys to get bored. Like the crew doing a demo for underprivileged youths, skinny-dipping on the beach, jam sessions in front of the hotel, Cami beating up most of the guys on our trip, Jeff being molested by underage girls(only with their eyes), coming in a room to find my brother butt-naked and face ask him the details, exploring the beach late-night until being too creeped out by what was in the water and crawling over our feet, Sanchez being comatose after trying the local concoctions, Hippix got some 'ish on his lip after spending an evening with a local bartender. I'm not saying they were related but I'm implying they might be. And the stories go on.
Thanks to Adrenalina for hosting and promoting such a great event. The island was full of support and we felt very welcomed. And thanks to Bustin Boards for supporting us. Pompiaera means Stoke!
I'm going to do as little talking as possible and more of those colorful pictures and videos..just like you like it. This has been a crazy busy season for me. I've been attempting to take up other activities besides skating but with me working on my progression in the sport I have had to put a pause on some me getting into acting. But only a light pause. Until then I have been enjoying my job. Skating! In the past two weeks I have done a marathon and participated in another downhill race, doing well in both. Last week was Adrenalina Marathon where I placed 10th overall and my little brother at 16 years of age placed 7th. Yeah I know, he finished before me...I was riding for fun but he was looking for the money. If I had known that there were only a few places and minutes separating us from $ I would have pushed harder. Instead I got lost in the moment and music and never payed attention to what lap I was on which explains me doing 13 laps instead of 12. The whole race I had my familiar face on..
So apologies for not giving it my all and unless you raced AND finished ahead of either of us I don't expect to hear anything from you. My brother, Prince, is legit!!!
So I'm loosing my battle with not talking so much but there is so much going on in the scene right now. Central Mass DH race was epic! New faces and old friends joined for fun times in the rain. Thanks to Mike and crew for hosting such an awesome event! Bustin crew is spreading into this discipline and doing work. I personally felt positive that I would be on the podium but was taken out in the quarterfinals by the clown who got second overall, who never even checked to make sure I was okay. It's cool though, downhill is all about skill,who happens to be in your heat and luck. Besides, his face on the podium was priceless. Congrats to our Bustin team for a job well done and to Sara Paulshock and Will Royce for taking first in downhill! As soon as Push Culture News gets a video up I'll post it here.
The rest of the skacation went well. I visited New Hampshire for the first time and enjoyed the lovely hospitality of some beautiful people. Thanks to Bosco and her parents!
Also made my first visit to Boston where Cordelia Welch gave us a tour of the town. Too bad it started raining and cut it somewhat short. Thanks also to you lady and I'll see you, Ben, Will and Jorge in Miami! Stay Skatin'!
The second annual Concrete Kings' Mini-Bomb was a huge success! I want to give a big thank you to all our sponsors..Bern Unlimited, Bustin, Rayne, Landyachtz, Arbor, Wank, Longboard Loft, Skanunu, Push Culture, Subsonic, Hogwash, Original, Sayshun, Loaded, Orangatang, SoBe and Open Road Skate Park! All these companies helped make this one of the best longboard events held in NYC!
So in typical Solomon fashion I was late for a race I was hosting. I had stated that the race would be starting promptly at Noon so I wasn't surprised to see everyone gone when I hurried off the delayed train..
Apologies to those I left behind but I had hopes of overtaking the pack....And I caught quite a few but the overall talent in NYC is just too great for me to be more than ten minutes late to a twenty minute race. And I actually enjoyed racing through the city eat a fat one to whoever started the race without conferring with Rob. That's right, I said it, now enjoy it or choke on it.
After Kiefer and Cami "Beast" won their fourth race of the season we headed to the Open Roads Skate Park at 12th Street and Avenue A where the PushCulture crew helped out by judging the best trick contest.
Thanks to Dr Pepper for sending us the pop and congrats to Rob Rodrigues from Sure Skateboards on winning best trick.
There was a high jump contest won by Steven Sanchez and two more sprint races both one by Kiefer. I think this event has been sucha success and will continue to grow because it allows for skaters to hang out after a race and still be able to skate. Something that the downhill scene is greatly familiar with but limited with our push races. If you weren't there you missed out on lots of friends and fun. Keep your ear to the ground for news on the next Concrete Kings event and start putting together your four man teams now.....
I still have not yet found the words to fully describe my experience at Maryhill 2011 but this video is pretty spot on. Well besides the stuff that we don't want cameras and sponsors seeing. Not me though..I'm a saint.
Maryhill 2011 - official video from Yvon Labarthe on Vimeo.
If you're paying attention to the girl interviewing the homie from Laguna Beach at the end you'll notice a red blob in the background. Yeah, that's me. I'm going to be sooooo famous! *Shout out to Tully!*
I've been collecting photos from the Concrete Kings Mini-Bomb and am almost done with my write-up. Stay tuned for that. This is a super busy time for the skate world but I'm doing my best to manage my time between sitting behind a computer and skating. The skating is winning of course but I know that's what you expect. I am currently trying to decide where I'll spend my weekend. There is this 5k race..
Or I could stay in NYC and film with German TV/Radio broadcaster ARD at Bustin's Longboard Loft. It's a hard decision for me choosing between events that are going to be tons of fun and something that could mean quite a bit of exposure.I would only have to be there for 30 minutes and someone else could definitely do it but I'd like to benefit off the work I put in AND I love the camera. Saying that it looks like I have already chosen my fate. I haven't gotten this far without making some sacrifices...Not many though..that's not my style. Seriously why the hell would I want cake if I couldn't eat it? And I love cake...hello ladies. Stay Skatin'
Just a teaser for the Mini-Bomb race I organized with the help from all of you this weekend. Waiting on some more media and I'll be back with a detailed update. Much thanks to all involved! Also..mark your calendars!!! The Broadway Bomb 2011 is October 8!!!!!!! Stay Skatin'.
I'm back. Apologies for the delay in between posts. Two Sundays ago I was heading out to chase one of the most amazing highs I have experienced in my life. It has taken me this time to get this blog to you but there was so much I wanted to say..too much for you to read or me to type.
Even with doing this video there is still a lot that I didn't get to mention. Like running up mountain paths and chasing waterfalls on the way to Maryhill. Or having such a tailwind you speed up when you stood instead of slowing down. That was my "oh shit" moment of the week. How about the huge wrestling tournament in front of the Bustin tents until well past 2AM? Where else was all the testosterone being pent up going to go? The local townies came over to join in, let's just say it was more fun for us than them. Hmmm. I found my first use for gnarly, someone called one particular run gnarly and it finally clicked. However, I will still only be using the word to refer to that moment. Maybe. Not.
I mentioned a few firsts for me as well. What didn't get mentioned was my first case of sunburn and application of sunscreen, Dallas taught me how to get my back. Sara also spent a lot of time talking about "Just the Tip" and proclaiming her "Swag". I could go on and on about the level of epic achieved but I'll end it with the story of how I got my gnarly Maryhill scar. I collided with a tree...while walking. Swag.
Thanks to Bustin, Hillside Gear and all the lurkers (another word I picked up) at Maryhill for blessing me with such memorable experiences. For info on actual race standings check out the crew at Push Culture News.
So I know the quality of this video sucks salty ones and that I'm not looking at the camera. I'll have better vids from now on, I just wanted to hurry and get this to you. As far as looking at the camera, there was so much going on around me and Max probably had your attention anyway.
It's good to be back and I'm super stoked about continuing this new discipline. This Saturday July 16th the Concrete Kings will be hosting our second annual Mini-Bomb. The race starts at 116th and Broadway at Noon and finishes at Union Square. We will then head to the Open Road park at 11th St and Avenue A for grilling, other contests and awards. On Sunday there is a quarter-mile sprint race hosted by Fabrika Pro. However...I am hoping to make it to Pennsylvania for a downhill race with speeds between 50 and 60mph. This is just the tip of what is to come...I promise.
Do you want to go fast? I do! No celebrities or news of me trying to go Hollywood on you this week. (Not that that isn't still part of my plan...I love wearing my shades at night, usually out of necessity.) Nope, this week I am actually going to focus on what most of you know me for..skating. In a few hours I will be flying to the other end of the country for what I'm expecting to be one of the most intense and enjoyable experiences of my life, Maryhill Festival of Speed. This technically won't be the first downhill event I've competed in but Major Stokem was "just the tip" compared to this coming weeks events. That's my favorite game by the way...
I have to admit that I'm just a bit nervous and not because of the speed, though I won't be totally confident with that until I get my first run of the hill in. To be honest what I'm really nervous about is not performing at the level I believe myself to be capable of. It took a lot for me to say that but I have to give you the truth here. I know my city and the rest of our worldwide Bustin family has my back but I also know I have my haters(undercover admirers) who laugh at the thought of the self-proclaimed "king" competing at anything other than endurance push races. I want to succeed for them, for you, for me. Hopefully this will encourage more people from the Beast Coast and more specifically from the NYC area to try their hand at downhill competition. If I can do it then you definitely can! And don't worry about the haters getting in my head too much...they're to busy getting on it.
I have quite a bit more I would like to say but blog etiquette dictates that I not give you too much to read and I have a bit of packing to finish and I would like to get a few hours of rest. To everyone that has encouraged me in this new endeavor...Thanks a million. To our Bustin staff much thanks for allowing me the opportunity to go represent us. I bleed Bustin. If you would like to keep tabs of what's going on follow me @stayskatin and/or @bustinboards on twitter. Maryhill here I come!
Happy Father's Day. To my dad...thanks for everything. I didn't grow up with you around much but it was enough. You put me in the right situation that has led to me becoming the man I am today. Also much thanks to Magnum XL for ensuring that today is not my holiday.
Another week of me on my acting grind. My dopest gig this week was playing background for Men in Black 3. I didn't get cast as a skater but guess who'll you'll find skating behind Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as they converse in Battery Park in the last scenes of the movie? Yezzir! I'm taking my venture into acting seriously so I was real cool on set even though I was close enough to reach out and punch the Fresh Prince at times. I wouldn't punch him...just putting it in perspective. The tourists hanging in the park didn't have any reason not to scream out for his attention and some were even rewarded for their efforts.
While we are on the subject of celebrities I want you to check this shot out...
That's Spike Lee and his family...with his son rockin' the Bustin Longboards Maestro. Jackson Lee has been one of the regular groms at our Bustin Brooklyn shop and more recently at our Longboard Loft location in Manhattan. I just found out he was Spike Lee's son when another friend of mine sent me a message from the airport saying he had run into Spike and his son who was carrying his longboard with him. Apparently I am a role model and they were stoked about the connection. That's NYC for you.
My last photo and my favorite of the week. That's Brooklyn and she is awesome! Thanks for the photo David. And no I am not the daddy! I prefer practicing how to get one rather than having to constantly change diapers.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of my blog. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time now but I have been just a bit too complacent with the progression of things in my life. Don't get it twisted, I am definitely on my hustle but haven't been thinking big enough and fear of failure has had me immobilized for some time now. Time to break the chains and this is as good a point as any to start. I am going to skip the "let's get to know me" introduction and go straight to letting you get to know me. I'll say right now my thoughts and viewpoints here are my thoughts and should not be taken as coming from Bustin Boards. If you don't like what I say and feel the need to bash someone feel free to bash me. I just had titanium skin implants so it won't bother me much. I would compare it to be tickled, it's amusing and sometimes annoying but always harmless.
Now to what I've been up to lately. I have always been fascinated and drawn to the craft of acting. When I look at movies and shows I am more wondering what the actor is thinking or why that scene was included rather than what is actually going on in the film. I usually have the movie or show figured out well before the end anyway. So with my work schedule allowing me lots of free time while living this dream I figure I would use this time to follow my dreams. Following this path I was cast on two HBO shows this past week as an extra, "How to make it in America" and a new series called "Girls". Both gigs happened to be party scenes and I have enjoyed every minute of it! On the first show I ran into Adam Crigler's old roommate Will Tully and it was no surprise he had a board with him, Bustin of course. Connecting with Tully was the best thing that could have happened for us, we both kept ourselves and others entertained. The highlight of the first show for me was is between a scene joking with Kid Cudi and having him pass us his joint...which turned out to be fake. I left that show around 7 in the morning and skated the Williamsburg Bridge home for literally a couple hours of sleep. I woke tired but excited for the Central Park Race and somehow managed to place fourth before being burned out for the rest of the weekend. Good times.
On Tuesday I started shooting this other show which involved a Brooklyn hipster party scene. Wow! Take all the "crazy" types that you see on the streets of NYC and put them in a concentrated area and you have one hell of a party. The party scene was fake but the fun was real, especially off set. What was made even more clearly apparent was that all the people we generally call crazy, weird, flashy or even cocky are the "real" people. I met so many people that were awesomely talented and different but above all that they were super comfortable with being themselves. It has been inspiring. And then there's the whole sex crazed young and having fun aspect...that has been a lot of fun to watch. Beautiful women with minimal clothing and a surplus of guys more than willing to chase after them. Of course I enjoy the scenery but I like to think if she wants it she'll let me know. And if she doesn't have the balls to be real about that then she definitely isn't getting mine. Ha! Seriously though I'm having lots of fun. I spend most of my time skating and giving lessons and I'm getting payed for it. I was cast as a skater and spend my time on and off camera exactly how I do every other day, sweaty and topless. What a life! Now many of these "hipsters" are excited about skating! And based on me asking the same questions of quite a few of these guys I have decided to take a few classes, mostly on acting technique. I've gotten some good reviews of HB Studios, let's see how this turns out. Stoked!
Enough talking! Here are a few pictures I've snapped from my phone. My life. Your entertainment.
Oh!!! I almost forgot to add this last video. The lady in this video was one of my favorite talents and all the hooping she has done has given her an amazing body(come on, it's me here, you know I had to throw that in). She and other hoopers on set made the sport look effortless. Many sat around and was mesmerized by their grace and flow. I have already watched this multiple times myself and am hoping she will trade hula lessons for skate lessons from me. Jami you are awesome!
Stay Skatin'!